Friday 26 November 2010

7 concepts of transmedia storytelling

Jenkins creates the idea of their being ‘seven concepts’ of transmedia storytelling. Each concept can turn a narrative into a work of transmedia:

1-Drillability- This is the ability to make the audience ‘drill’ into the narrative to find more content.

2-Continuity vs. Multiplicity- Using different perspectives to explain the story.

3-Immersion/extractability-This is taking something from a narrative and bringing it into the real world. Action figures or toys are a good example of this. Toy story is self-referential  of this because the characters in the film play with the toys and a franchise was created by selling the toys in the real world.

4-Seriality- serialising narratives and using techniques like cliff hangers to maintain the audiences interest. ‘The cliff-hanger represents an archtypical moment of rupture where one text ends and closure where one text bleeds into the next, creating a strong enigma which drives the reader to continue to consume the story even though our satisfaction has been deferred while we await the next instalment.’

5-World building- This is where a world can be built from one narrative which allows different narratives to be constructed.

6-Subjectivity- Telling the same story from the view of a secondary character. This can provide more bulk for the original narrative.

7-Performance- This is where the viewer becomes involved in the media that they are viewing. ‘Videos on YouTube where fans re-enact or lip sync musical numbers from Glee’.

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